The Practice has the right to charge for services that are out with the General Medical Services Contract - Please see our fees below.
GP Practices are often asked to undertake work that doesn’t form part of their NHS Contract. There is no obligation for the Practice to undertake such work, it’s at their discretion as is the fee. Most of these services do; however, attract a fee. Where a patient requires letters, forms completed, medicals etc, unless obvious (insurance forms etc) they must write to the Practice detailing what type of letter they wish and the purpose for what it’s required. The letters / forms are then allocated to the most appropriate person in the Practice for completion. Unfortunately, in order to be fair and equitable to all patients, this process must be followed. Under no circumstances should a clinical appointment in whole or part be used to progress such matters.
Private / non-NHS Services may take on average up to four weeks to complete by the Doctors. There are no exceptions to the charges nor the timescale the onus being on the patient to submit requests timeously.
Full medical report – £150.00
Power of attorney £150.00, or £180.00 with a visit
Targeted medical report – £90.00
Letters – £30.00
In-person medicals – £150.00
Holiday cancellations – £50.00
Police officer / special constable applications – £50.00
Please note that any private work carried out must be paid for prior to the completed work being provided to the patient / third party. Where a patient requests private work that is completed and thereafter defaults on payment, no further work will be carried out for that patient without payment in full for the original work plus a £20.00 administration fee. The additional work will only be progressed if payment is provided in advance.
Unfortunately we do not do letters in support of housing applications.